About Us
Dr. Desiree Crusade, D.C.

Dr. Desiree Crusade is Board Certified and an expert in the field of Palmer Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic. Dr. Crusade has a family practice in Sacramento where patients of all ages are compassionately and powerfully supported in their healing experiences. Health conditions of all types respond positively to Dr. Crusade's specific method of adjusting. She is committed to expanding the awareness of Palmer Specific Chiropractic in her community and carrying on the work of Dr. B.J. Palmer, developer of Chiropractic.
Dr. Crusade is from Philadelphia, PA. A member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, she graduated Summa Cum Laude from Emory University and received her doctorate in Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, GA. She then moved to Sacramento to train with her mentor, the late Dr. Clarence Jenson, a former leader and teacher of Palmer Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic. Dr. Crusade trained with Dr. Jenson for 13 years, and she continues to specialize in the correction of upper cervical subluxation to restore optimal brainstem function.
As a marathoner who has been running for 35 years, Dr. Crusade understands the importance of spinal alignment in achieving one's health and fitness goals while avoiding injuries. As a private pilot, she also recognizes the critical role a healthy nervous system plays in sensory acuity under stressful situations.