Our Events Treatment in Sacramento

12 Happy Healthy Holidays Patient Appreciation

During our regular business hours on Saturday, 12/7 through Saturday, 12/21, please stop by the front desk at each appointment to receive your raffle ticket. If you are a winner you will get to pick a prize from Santa's gift bag on your next visit.

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Energize Your Holiday Season

Healthy Holidays

As we are approaching the changing thershold from one year to the next, it is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year's experiences and let go of what is not needed to carry with us into the next year. It also provides us with the opportunity to envision what we want to create, receive, and achieve in the next year!

RSVP today, limited seating is available

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Retracing Your Way 'Back To The Future' New You!

RSVP today, limited seating is available

Please join us for a workshop to learn about the re-experiencing or re-awakening of old pain or other symptoms, including memories or even emotions that seem to suddenly erupt to the surface. The most common questions about retracing will be answered. This event is hosted on 11/23/2024 from 10- 12pm at Crusade Specific Chiropractic, 1120 Corporate Way Sacramento, CA 95831. Attendees must be 16+ y.o. Please bring your water bottle!

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Posture Alignment Therapy Workshop

RSVP today, limited seating is available

Join us for an experience filled with insightful information regarding the Posture Alignment Therapy and how this type of Exercise Therapy can help to Eliminate Pain, Improve Performance and Prevent Injury. This event is hosted monthly at Crusade Specific Chiropractic, located at 1120 Corporate Way Sacramento, CA 95831.

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Community Health Workshops

RSVP Today For This Free Event

Please join us for an evening of valuable information to help guide you through the process of your corrective care. This event is hosted monthly at Crusade Specific Chiropractic, 1120 Corporate Way Sacramento, CA 95831. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions regarding our Palmer Specific Chiropractic technique and your care. You do not have to be an existing patient to take advantage of these informative sessions, so you are welcomed to bring a guest.

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Emotional Freedom Techniques
with Steph Dobbs

In this workshop, you will get an introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques, learn the basic recipe for this stress-relief practice, and see how it can support physical body wellness, We may have time for a couple of demonstrations as well.

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