Chiropractic Reviews — Page 1

"My partnership with Dr. Desiree Crusade, D.C. began in Pacific Grove, California in 2007. Dr. Crusade has provided me with excellent health and energy. No more allergies, neck pain, head tilt, or future pain due to the repair of vertebrae & more. My monthly visits provide alignment and adjustments. Travel from Long Beach, CA, years of support, encouragement, and God-centered expertise is always provided. Gratitude, love, and prayers are always in my heart for Dr. Desiree and her outstanding staff members.

Forget medication and get a real life, healing from Dr. Desiree.

P.S. I always bring a Catholic Nun with me for healing."

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Suzanne S.

“ I feel that I am eating better (more water, less sugar) and sleeping better.”

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Rebekah B.

“I have less pain in my neck, shoulder, and lower back. Fewer headaches. I feel like I can start exercising again without making my pain worse.”

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Kelsey F.

“ No more sciatica symptoms. Improved condition with BPH.”

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Colin K.

“My strength and stamina have definitely improved, giving me a lot more energy."

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Alida B.

“Severity of allergies improved.”

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Sherry S.

“Not much neck pain or headaches. I feel more aligned- neck and hips.”

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Caroline A.

My sciatica and back pain is much better. Neck pain and arthritis in my hands are almost gone.

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Denise H.

Neck discomfort has decreased. Rash is not so irritated.

Chiropractor near Sacramento
Lella S.